Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

July 2011 Blog Posts (114)


Me and Abel joined a doggy boot camp type class called dogilates.

Yesterday was our second session and besides the 34 degree weather (93 Fahrenheit), it went well.

There are a couple of other doodles in our class.  Last week there was a standard Labradoodle who was under one year old.  All him and Abel wanted to do was play!  When we got home that night Abel zonked out.

My cousin  is in our class and last night she was there with her miniature Labradoodle.  All Abel…


Added by Colleen & Abel on July 19, 2011 at 12:27pm — 4 Comments

Celebrating Bella.

After Jane's touching story yesterday about her difficulty bonding with Stuart, I took a long hard look at how I am feeling about my Bella.

 She started out as a good idea for Murphy really, and we both felt that another dog would be a nice addition, like a second child, we wanted another one to share our love with. We allowed fate to bring her to us when the time was right, and it did and I never questioned the timing or the purpose, she just showed up in our lives when she was meant…


Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on July 19, 2011 at 9:22am — 25 Comments

Baby room transformation...have to share!

A year and a half ago I posted about my now-toddler's room (which of course never looked as put together after she was born).  Today we finally arrived closer to 'done' with the kids' room and I wanted to share the fun changes! (note it's NOT actually done yet, and a bit cluttered…


Added by Adina P on July 18, 2011 at 9:03pm — 34 Comments

Where's the water Murph?

Hey Murph, what's wrong with this picture?

Where's the water?






I kind of like this big dog run mom built for us, don't you…


Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on July 18, 2011 at 8:00pm — 15 Comments

My favorite photo-oriented web site

I enjoy Cambridge in Colour because it is an international website for photographers.  There are members from the United Kingdom, various European countries, nations in Asia, and members from Australia, New Zealand and, of course, the USA.  We have grown to know each other over the years and I found this site to be very friendly and helpful.  We don't put up with nasty and self-centered comments (Like saying - "THAT'S WHAT THE SEARCH BUTTON IS FOR!").


One facet of Cambridge…


Added by Richard Crowe on July 18, 2011 at 6:48pm — 8 Comments

Stella's Excellent Vacation Photo's

For Stella's first birthday we took her on vacation to Napa for some wine tasting and up the Mendocino coast for some fun and relaxation. I thought I would post a few cute pictures of her experience.




Added by Jodi and Stella on July 18, 2011 at 5:00pm — 18 Comments

That special hair dryer bonding time...

When I use my hair dryer, I sit cross-legged on the floor in my room by a convenient electrical outlet. From the time Trav was a tiny puppy, he has considered this activity to be one of our special bonding times. He is always right there when I plug in the dryer, circling happily around me, occasionally getting tangled up in the cord. Early on, the appearance of the dryer somehow became associated with his blanket, so he has to find and fetch the blanket in order to provide the right…


Added by Pat and Traveler on July 18, 2011 at 9:22am — 17 Comments

Surprised and Sad...My Weekend.

Well, I posted about getting my father a sheepadoodle (old english sheepdog/std. poodle mix) last Wednesday.  Our plans (dad and I's) was for me to keep the pup for a few weeks, get her house trained and crate trained.  Dad hasn't had a dog, much less a puppy in years.  So he was uncertain of how to handle/raise a baby puppy.  I woke up at 2:30am on Wednesday night to a crying pup.  On Thursday night I woke up at 1:30am to a crying pup.  During the days and evenings, I soothed a sometimes…


Added by Lindsey on July 18, 2011 at 8:51am — 16 Comments

No More "Mister Nice Guy"!

It has finally happened.  My sweet little Guinness has turned into a "thug".  He's been pushed around by his big "little brother" for long enough....and he's so DONE.  It started gradually a few weeks ago when he decided that Murph would NOT take his toys away ever again.  In the past, he'd just lay there while Murph took away a squeaky toy or antler that he was savoring.  Yup, Murph would stand right over him looking intimidating, and then just take it right away.  Guinness did nothing....he… Continue

Added by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 18, 2011 at 7:24am — 25 Comments

Crazy Scary Storm, Senile Old Lady, and My Worst Nightmare.

This blog post was supposed to be about my wonderful ‘staycation’ coming to an end and all the fabulous stuff that I did with my doodle over the last two weeks. As I was about to start, I was interrupted by what can only be described as complete madness. I’m still a little jittery so I need to write it out of my system. Here goes...


I was browsing through DK, posting comments and getting ready to type up my blog when I looked out the window and realized it looked like rain. I…


Added by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on July 17, 2011 at 6:00pm — 20 Comments

Glad we aren't the only ones......

Just joined DK yesterday and have spent most of the morning reading blogs and comments.  My husband will be so relieved to hear that we are not the only people who are crazy about our doodle.  My husband a CONFIRMED  "I live can with them or without of doesn't matter to me....." shocked me a couple of weeks ago.  When we first got Kahlua he said that she was NOT allowed in bed with us.  I must admit that I was okay with that rule, especially as she tips the scale at 95 lbs.  On the… Continue

Added by KAHLUA on July 17, 2011 at 8:19am — 21 Comments

Things My Eyes Have Seen Today

Today was supposed to be a rainy day but instead it was 75 degrees and sunny. I spent a little time doing some gardening and clean up from a recent wind storm and then we went out for our afternoon outing, which is what we do on all nice days on the weekends. As we were out walking, I got to thinking how sometimes when we see things so often, we really don't see them anymore. I started to look, really look at what was around me and try and see through new eyes. This is not an easy thing to…


Added by Donna K & Quincy on July 16, 2011 at 5:25pm — 30 Comments

Our Kids

There's an ongoing conversation between myself and a friend/co-worker/teammate/office mate that never ceases to entertain the two of us and everyone else who stumbles into it. The topic is Our Kids. Hers is a two year old boy. Mine is a 7 month old Goldendoodle.

Y'see, we've worked together for over a decade now, so we've learned to laugh together at our differences. And WHAT differences! We're polar opposites in every imaginable way. The only thing we really share in common is our… Continue

Added by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on July 16, 2011 at 7:57am — 18 Comments

Sock Eater???

2 blogs in as many days... its been an exciting last 24 hrs., to say the least. Yesterday after a long walk with Lucy I came in the door and took off my shoes and socks. I placed the shoes on the nook table and stuffed a sock into each shoe, thinking I'd take care of them later. I'm usually very good about putting things away and out of sight/reach of the Luce-Monster. But DH wasn't coming home for dinner (late sales meeting) and I was on my own and wanted to BBQ some chicken on the grill,…


Added by Debb, Lucy & Oscar on July 15, 2011 at 10:04pm — 16 Comments

The pool is coming along nicely and has met everyone's approval so far. Murphy actually got down into it today when a ball went into it. After the dig, the steel was put in. Next the shotcrete was sp…

The pool is coming along nicely and has met everyone's approval so far. Murphy actually got down into it today when a ball went into it.

After the dig, the steel was put in. Next the shotcrete was sprayed in, and then coping and tiles inside the pool were set in. Lastly, our little grandson Ethan is checking out the whole project and gave his seal of approval. We just need some pebblesheen and finishing touches and it should be ready within the next 2 weeks. It has gone so fast and so…


Added by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on July 15, 2011 at 6:00pm — 15 Comments

The End of Bexter's Favorite Resting Spot

Poor Bexter!  His favorite resting spot WAS the register on the office floor near me (while I am computer-socializing on DK).  Yesterday, he was resting there and jumped up frantically crying out and running under my computer desk.  Of course, I freaked out!  I looked down and his collar tag had gotten caught between 2 of the slabs of the register cover thingy and as he freaked out & jumped up, it was still attached to his collar hanging there in front of him (almost as big as he is…


Added by Traci -Bexter & Maggie on July 15, 2011 at 12:42pm — 26 Comments

What We Won't Do for These Doodles!

At first we thought we would do invisible fence .... That was a wasted $1200

Then we decided regular fencing would be safer ..... I'm embarrassed to say how much that was .....


Then we figured out that about 6-8 months of the year the yard was entirely too wet for them to get to play outside anyway.  After this Spring and our so many inches of rain above the normal rainfall that I completely lost count, mowing mud instead of grass, and months of the girls sitting…


Added by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 15, 2011 at 4:16am — 30 Comments

Lucy at 20 months

Gosh, its been ages since I  last wrote a blog about Lucy. How time flies! Where to I begin? Let me first start by saying our (my DH and I) worlds revolve around Lucy. She is the center of our universe. Our 1st dog... who would have thunk it? We now go biking with Lucy on linear park trails and beaches (the latter, off leash), go for agility training, and take her to dog parks and walks around the neighborhood. We basically plan our vacations around her, going to…


Added by Debb, Lucy & Oscar on July 14, 2011 at 6:07pm — 11 Comments

Slideshow comment . . . ;-)

My DH and I watched the slide show together this afternoon.  His comment?!  This is "Doodle Porn"!  LOL  Maybe he's just jealous . . . .since Bodi never sleeps on his back and once again we are not in the slide show.  We enjoyed seeing your adorable doodles!  Thanks!


Added by Doris on July 14, 2011 at 5:03pm — 8 Comments

Can Someone Please Tell Me... WHY????

As I sit here (in the later part of morning) at my kitchen table, drinking coffee with my lap top in front of me, I look around - only to see.... a floor that needs vacuuming, furniture that needs dusting, a counter FULL of mail that needs to be sifted through, and smudge on my windows and doors that need to be windexed clean.  (and a 18th birthday and graduation party in 2 weeks for my son to plan and clean for)  So WHY then do I sit here searching through forum… Continue

Added by shelly on July 13, 2011 at 8:00am — 44 Comments

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