Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

February 2011 Blog Posts (83)

Please pray for Benji UPDATE WEDNESDAY

My neighbor was walking my Grandma's bichon-poodle mix yesterday when he was attacked by 4 pit bulls that came charging out of a backyard.  My neighbor tried to get them off Benji and ended up with gashes in her leg.  She feels like the only reason they stopped attacking Benji is because they thought he was dead.  She spent the afternoon in emergency while Benji spent the afternoon in surgery.  When I saw him last night I barely recognized him with no fur, drain tubes everywhere and enough…


Added by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on February 18, 2011 at 2:30am — 80 Comments

Duncan stands by his girl...

So today Duncan's "girlfriend" Lucy is spending the day with us. She's a little Jack Russell. She misses her momma and so insists on staring out the window until her momma gets back. Duncan has decided to stand beside her and give her moral support. I feel so bad. They usually have lovely playdates. Lots of chasing and playing hard to get. So now we've learned that they'll only really play if BOTH of their momma's are present.


Here's a pic of the two lovebirds looking out the…


Added by Sally on February 17, 2011 at 10:45am — 14 Comments

Animal Control is Stalking Peri & Tacky

I thought the title might get your attention!  Don't worry....


So I always walk the dogs during the middle of the day - we still live in the condo and there is a "greenway" (wonderful pedestrian walkway) that goes around the golf course - part of it is by a busy two-lane road.  Last week, we were walking and this big van that said "Animal Control" :( :( passed by and slowed down.  The driver rolled down the window and smiled and said "your dogs are just adorable, can I take…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on February 17, 2011 at 7:12am — 15 Comments

Clean floor and Valentine supper...

We attended an all day long dog rescue event on Sunday, February 13th so Judy said she was really too tired to go out to a restaurant for Valentine's Day supper on Monday.  Instead, I bought her some potted tulips (which we will replant in our garden) and cooked her supper.  We sat down to eat in the living room (because we wanted to watch the Westminster Dog Show) and Judy had a glass of wine on the table next to her chair - just at the right height for Holly's tail.  The tail wagged as it…


Added by Richard Crowe on February 16, 2011 at 2:43pm — 9 Comments

How many puppies does it take to hold down a grown man???

This is toooo cute!!  I just love his laugh while enjoying all the puppies :-)



Added by Denise & Hunter!!! on February 16, 2011 at 2:18pm — 11 Comments

Sheeba's Stories

  Let me tell ya, I'm a Doodle who loves the simple pleasures in life. I have a mom & dad who dote on me each and every day. When I'm hungry I have food brought to me in a beautiful shiny dish and a lovely refreshing water bowl. Every morning as I awaken, I stretch out on my bed, roll over and at least mom or dad rubs my belly and tells me how beautiful I am.  I'm taken out for long wonderful walks along trails in the forest, go for…


Added by Becky & Sheeba on February 16, 2011 at 12:34pm — 6 Comments

Is There a Cure For AAADD?

I have been suffering from this for many years now, from the time I get up until I go to bed I am doing something but never seem to accomplish anything. Here is a description of my typical day. I know it sounds funny but this really is me.

Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder


Thank goodness there's a name for this disorder.

Somehow I feel better,even though I have it.

Recently, I was diagnosed with… Continue

Added by Donna K & Quincy on February 16, 2011 at 10:00am — 23 Comments

Thanks to DRC

A heartfelt thank you to Karen and Jack and all the DRC folks.  Not just for giving "Moses" a loving ending to his life, but for all the dogs you help.  My mother- in- law, who is nearly a saint herself, says that all the loving, giving things, you do for no pay, but just from caring and because they need doing, earn a gold star for your crown in heaven.  Karen and DRC you help those who have no voice, be ready for a crown with lots of stars.  Thanks

Added by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on February 15, 2011 at 9:58pm — 14 Comments

Picky Pee're

Hi there Doodlers! > We have just figured out that Neely has become a picky pee'er!

I had a  suspicion last week when I took him to the dentist, mine. He waited in  the car. Then we went to my mom's apartment for the lunch hour. Then out  to my Grandma's nursing home where we do alot of visiting with all the  residents there as well as gramma. We had to wait awhile for her until  she finished her dinner. > He was out at intervals through out the day. I asked him to go pee on…


Added by Lorraine Bromley on February 15, 2011 at 5:01pm — 4 Comments

1st level after CGC

Back in December Monty rocked his CGC graduation class, Monty received an A, his trainer (me) received a C.  Because Monty loved going I signed him up for the next level.  Well Jan/Feb I should have time and/or the wherewithal to train my dog.  Not.  It has not been a good month for me, did not train my dog outside of the classroom instruction time, the weather, it was dark, it was cold..........  We went to class last evening for the test.  I went there knowing that Monty was not ready,… Continue

Added by Sharon & Monty on February 15, 2011 at 4:34pm — 13 Comments's me Wheezy......

Mom asked me to help post some pictures........ we go.......

This is a favorite of Mom and Dad.........they was getting ready to go Christmas shopping a few months back.....we always sit and watch them when they are getting ready to go…


Added by Tessa, Ellie and Wheezy on February 15, 2011 at 3:54pm — 10 Comments

A night without Stella Dora

Well, our Stella got spayed today, so she is spending the night at the vet.  I wasn't sure how Seamus would act without his sister home, and I have to say it's just so sad seeing him without her!  He is moping and has his ears back and won't do anything other than follow us around.  I came home late tonight from work and I got a slight tail wag with a gaze behind me to see if Stella was with me.  He won't chew an antler and didn't even finish dinner! Poor guy!  It's amazing how much they have… Continue

Added by L.M. on February 14, 2011 at 5:02pm — 10 Comments

Banjo's 1st "Sleep Over"

It's been almost a year now since we got Banjo and in that time he's been our constant companion..traveling, vacationing, etc.   In a few weeks we will need to be away for a couple of nights and won't be able to have Banjo accompany us.   We found a wonderful woman who owns a 30acre horse farm.  Three acres are fenced just for her dogs.  In addition to "doggie daycare" she also will take 2-3 dogs at a time overnite.   The dogs are not kenneled at all and are free to sleep where ever they…


Added by Carol and Banjo on February 14, 2011 at 11:52am — 17 Comments

My Doodles and the Grammys!

Vern is watching the Grammys with me, while Fudge snoozes beside us. Fudge goes to bed early, so she misses a lot of shows at night. So far, Vern does not like Mick Jagger. He started panting...I think he thought Mick's pants were too tight or maybe Vern was just hot. He seemed to really enjoy Miranda Lambert, but he loves my daughter and she is blond, so maybe it had nothing to do with the music. He wasn't sure about Emimen, but he has heard loud voices and cuss words (especially when I am…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 13, 2011 at 7:30pm — 9 Comments

Dear Jack

Dear Jack,

I know you can't read literal letters but you have an uncanny way of reading my mind. You know when I feel sad, you come up and lick me in my face (yuck). You know when I need to get my tush up and stand by the door for a walk. You know before I do when I am going to get sick. I know you try to warn me. You know when I need a hug. You don't ask anything of me and you don't care if I do everything right.

I could never ever have imagined how much of a…


Added by Jennifer and Jack on February 13, 2011 at 4:47pm — 23 Comments

Ellie and Wheezy and me......

I finally made it back to Doodle's so hard to work and keep up on social sites........Today I devoted to being lazy and sitting in my computer chair.....  :)


Ellie and Wheezy are doing great!!! …


Added by Tessa, Ellie and Wheezy on February 13, 2011 at 1:30pm — 10 Comments


I thought this was a cute illustration of training 'sit.'  The pup is is a mini Australian Shepherd and the hand is my granddaughter's.


Added by Pat and Traveler on February 12, 2011 at 4:58pm — 11 Comments

Our first Doodle Train Experience!

Today I was so happy to be able to help the DRC (Doodle Rescue Collective) in helping transport a labradoodle named Barley to his foster family.


The morning started out going to Barley's owner's home.  She was such a wonderful lady who rescued Barley from a high kill shelter in MidTN area.  She had him for about 3 months, but she broke her knee and between rehab, etc...she just couldn't keep him.  She was so upset and it really hurt my heart as I loaded up all of his things…


Added by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on February 12, 2011 at 2:03pm — 16 Comments

The Traveling Adventures of Rua & her sick Momma

Haven't spent much time on DK lately...have been either traveling or sick.  Please accept my belated thanks for all of the birthday wishes and condolences on the passing of my Daddy.  They were greatly appreciated.


It started at Christmas when we drove north to Minnesota to spend Christmas with my DH's family.  Rua truly is an awesome traveler (already had done the same trip at Thanksgiving), though, I must say it was not easy to try to "potty" her in 1 foot of snow.  We…


Added by Dori & Rua on February 12, 2011 at 2:01pm — 13 Comments

Oh the attention these doodles get!

My husband and I took our 2 doodles to the Pet Expo last night in Edison, NJ.  Well, our doods had TONS of fun meeting other pups and even Smithfield the painting pig.  I am still amazed, though, at the attention these dogs get.  We were stopped constantly by people of all ages wanting to pet the pups and ask us about them.  But what really made me laugh was the fact that we were stopped 3 times by people wanting to take pictures WITH our dogs.  LOL (I'm talking grown adults here.)  Too funny!!… Continue

Added by L.M. on February 12, 2011 at 4:40am — 13 Comments

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